Dr Nick Hawkes Finally Wins the Battle with Cancer
Dr Nick Hawkes. (See below for Celebration of Life service details 31st March.)
Nick Hawkes was a Crosslink pastor from Adelaide. He and his wife, Mary left the Uniting Church and planted a new church called Rivergate in the Athelstone area. Nick was a winsome, sharp minded passionate follower of Jesus Christ. The words from First Peter always remind me of him:
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, (1 Peter 3:15)
Nick has authored more than thirty books. His creative well was inexhaustible and diverse. He accumulated five degrees along the way ranging from science to theology and draws from his passion to know and learn as well as from an almost endless field of interests.
His battle with cancer lasted much, much longer than any of the initial predictions. For those of you who are familiar with your own version, you will know how it takes huge courage and tests almost every resolve. Nick and Mary (and their children Katie and Michael) were all of that and more.
I saw them for a brief visit when I was in Adelaide in February and we talked about what it was like to be getting close to “home.” As insidious as cancer is, its final blow can only ever usher us through the front gate, up the pathway and through the front door. Nick will be blown away with joy.
For those of you who are in South Australia, we just wanted to let you know the details of Nick’s funeral celebration. New Life Church is also a Crosslink connected church where Pastor Chris Lew is the lead pastor.
33-37 OG RD.
Just for your information, we sent Mary (and Katie and Michael) a bunch of flowers with a message last week. Here is a copy of Mary’s reply:
“Good morning Brian. Thank you for your kind words about Nick to the Crosslink team. Also the flowers that came from you all are really beautiful. Thanks again.
Nick’s Celebration of Life service will be held at New Life Christian Community, 33-37 OG Rd, Klemzig on March 31st at 1pm.
I hope some of you may be able to attend on behalf of the rest of us who would like to be there but can’t. Keep praying for Mary and the family.
Brian Medway